Sunday, February 22, 2009

Brief recount of 22nd Feb 2009


Played badminton in the morning with my mom's group again. Not very challenging.

The rest of the day
Watched DVDs.
Took a nap.
Looked up a blog post written in Burmese about me. Hmm.... Not so bad. Not many people swearing at me. Although I think 34th commenter "Anonymous" wants to shoot me.

Dinner party at home. An all Burmese affair attended by a physics professor, a doctor and a mobile networks specialist. Nothing fancy. Food is catered via mum's kitchen. Water-cress, chicken, sea prawns, fish and fish cakes.... served fried. Chicken curry. A light soup made from aubergine and mustard leaves. Thai-style papaya salad made with grated green papaya and carrot, tomatoes and chopped green chillies prepared with pounded dried prawn and a twist of lemon.

I loved the papaya salad and so, the long winded explanation of its ingredients.

Party conversations are interesting. I love listening to them tell their stories. Sometimes, two interesting conversations will be going on at the same time and I can't decide which to follow.

Went to sleep early. Monday is badminton day but it may be cancelled. One of the guys got a misaligned disk in the back bone :(


  1. see.. what do you want to say.. ha hah..

  2. actually i do not want to read the blog which was written in English because i do blogging is just for fun and for my own relaxation/ the whole day is English speaking environment and tired of listening talking English. i want to enjoy talking my own language

    another reason is i can communicate English but i think my English is not a good standard so i feel shy to write in English feeling that people will look me down. but now i decided whatever right or wrong i will say it and start from now i will pity to you because you have to read. sorry..

  3. yes. agree with you . i also a bit fear that how people will response to my post and luckily not very bad.

  4. try to cancel the word verification which make me feel waste of my time. i forgot how to cancel it even though i have done it.

  5. will you email me again,, dear kom, please do not come and write a comment which was written poor grammar and so many spelling mistake. :D ok.. awaiting your mail. bye.

  6. Dear KOM,
    Your English is fine and I am sorry you feel forced into saying things in English. Please feel free to say anything in English or Burmese.
    I can't promise to reply in Burmese though because my orthography is laughable. I haven't had access to Burmese literature for about 8 years (I mean comics and novels :P). I've started reading again (mm blogs) just recently so it will take me a while to remember the correct spelling for words.

    Sorry I couldn't reply to you right away. I went to bed really early last night.
